Women’s Wellness in Midlife and Menopause

Women’s midlife is an important transition stage between our younger and older selves, that is all too often ignored and not given the importance it deserves.


When approached with intention, support and age relevant information, midlife for women can be a critical window for reflection and setting foundations for aging well in future decades.


Midlife is often a stage where women’s circumstances have evolved regarding children, professions and partners. These changes may affect emotional stability or social identities that have been established in the past.


Rather than seeing this period as a “midlife crisis”, if women can see this next chapter in their lives as a positive progression into maturity and adapt their lifestyle to maximise quality of life and health. Midlife is an important time to reflect on health and where you are and make some small changes that can have a big difference to the trajectory of health outcomes in the future.


As we approach midlife there are a range of considerations that are important for women regarding their health. Obviously hormonal changes with menopause are occurring as ovulation ceases, but also metabolic and cardiovascular health parameters (ie. Blood glucose levels, BP and lipid profiles), body composition (muscle and body fat ratios), bone density and functional mobility.


Lifestyle factors including exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress are the pillars of health in midlife. During this period women are very quick to look for quick fixes with supplements and medications. But when you understand the impact these lifestyle factors can have on your health in midlife and beyond you empower and educate yourself to be proactive in your health.


Everyone is an expert when it comes to your health so it is important to get age relevant health information for midlife from trusted health professionals and sources. If you would like to learn more regarding your health and wellness in midlife join our Women’s Wellness Workshop in September. Be a part of like minded women that are focusing on being the best version of themselves in midlife.


For more information regarding this workshop contact [email protected] or go to https://truenorthwellness.com.au/services/womens-wellness-in-midlife-workshop/



Vicky Graham

Women’s Health Coach, Accredited Exercise Physiologist