Injury Management & Rehabilitation

When recovering from an injury or surgery, it is important to get the right support to get you back into life. Exercise physiologists are usually the next stage after physiotherapy. Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists work with your health professional team to advance your recovery and prescribe an exercise program that is tailored to your needs and allows you to progress forward in your recovery.

True North Wellness provide specialised exercise rehabilitation programmes and injury management for clients under the Worker's Compensation schemes (including WorkCover). Your Private Health Cover may also provide you with a rebate for your Exercise Physiology sessions.

WorkCover QLD and Insurance Claims

If you've been injured at work, you may be eligible to receive Exercise Physiology treatment as part of your WorkCoverQLD or CTP Insurance claim.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) can work with your other health professionals to accelerate your return to work by working with you on a graded exercise program that allows you to improve function and progress forward. Your AEP will firstly get to know you and your injury and what barriers are currently preventing you from reaching your goals. We will then do some testing to see where you are starting from, which may include looking at your strength, stability and functional capacity. Your AEP will then work with you to develop an Action Plan to help you achieve the goals you have set together. This Action Plan will be communicated with your Case Manager so that we can all work together to get you back to feeling confident and ready to return to work.

Injury rehabilitation

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) can help you if you:
a) Need rehabilitation after surgery (e.g. joint replacements, reconstructions, arthroscopies etc.)
b) Need PRE-habilitation - the research is clear that doing rehabilitation exercise prior to surgery dramatically improves outcomes after surgery.
c) Need to manage an injury conservatively (without surgery)

It can be difficult knowing what the journey looks like from where you are right now, to being back feeling confident and returning to the activities that you need and want to be able to do. Your AEP will help map this process out for you and provide you with a holistic approach that ensures you continue progressing forward.

Have you just recently finished a rehabilitation program but are not sure where to next?
We can help to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


Psychology for Pain

Did you know that more than 90% of women with fibromyalgia, and about 76% of chronic lower back pain sufferers have suffered psychological trauma? Furthermore, chronic pain sufferers are more than twice as likely to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. Through science, we are learning more and more about the connection between severe stress and pain.

Why hurt does not always equal harm (persistent pain perspective)

If you have experienced an injury that has turned chronic, then you may well understand that there are adaptations that occur in your body that can leave you feeling ‘not quite like it used to feel’ when you do certain activities. Learning why this occurs is often the first step in managing your persistent pain. We can understand this by exploring the ‘Twin Peaks’ Metaphor described by pain researchers David Butler and Lorimer Mosely in their book Explain Pain (see below). Let’s discuss!

The role of exercise in persistent pain

For a long time, the standard suggestion for persistent pain patients was to rest and be inactive to prevent a flare up of pain. Now, guidelines promote physical activity and evidence-based movement as an important part of the treatment plan for chronic pain.  When people are restricted from the usual activity and exercise, they become more anxious, tired, depressed and with an increase in pain (which is not helpful). Despite this being the guidelines, it can be tricky to get started with an exercise program when you are experiencing pain.