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Are you a registered NDIS participant with a disability? You could benefit from working with an exercise physiologist as part of your NDIS plan to help you achieve your goals.

Exercise can be one of the most important strategies you use to improve your health. But getting back into exercise after an illness or injury can be challenging.

Our exercise professionals have the experience and knowledge to design a program for you that starts slowly and progresses as you improve. We've outlined below answers to the common questions people like you have, especially when they haven't heard about what exercise physiologists do. If achieving these improvements in your health goals is essential to you, we would love to have a no-obligation meeting to help you decide if using exercise physiology will suit you.


How can Exercise Physiology help your NDIS goals?

Our team of EP's are experienced in establishing the needs of our clients and tailoring their programs for people with disabilities that address critical needs, such as:

  • improved daily living capabilities
  • improved health and wellbeing
  • the ability to engage in the community, including social activities
  • overall strength and capacity improvements;

With the long term objective of improving your independence and quality of life.

Your exercise physiologist will conduct a clinic-based assessment and develop an exercise plan tailored to your disability that will fit within your specific NDIS plan and goals.

What is an exercise physiologist?

Accredited Exercise Physiologists are University qualified, health professionals who can assess your overall fitness, health, and wellness and identify lifestyle changes or activities that can help you achieve your goals.

They will prescribe an exercise program that is safe and achievable based on your disability and NDIS plan goals. Our Exercise Physiologists work closely with your other allied health providers to coordinate your care.

What types of conditions are exercise physiologists best suited for?

An exercise physiologist is trained in helping everyone improve their independence, strength, and fitness and achieve improved health and wellbeing through exercise programs. They are trained to understand how to prescribe an exercise program that is safe and achievable.

As an NDIS provider, our exercise physiology services are suited for people with:

  • Progressive neurological conditions,
    •  Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
      Parkinson's'sParkinson's's Disease (PD)
    • Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
  • Stroke, traumatic or acquired brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Mental Health including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Depression
  • Pain management, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Autism, Aspergers, Developmental delay
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What would you expect when you work with our exercise physiologists?

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists can continue your care either one on one or in small group sessions. All exercise sessions are supervised by one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists to ensure you are getting the most out of each session.

The results most people would expect from our exercise physiology services are:

  • Improved quality of life through progressive lifestyle changes
  • Increases in your strength, mobility and overall function
  • Better flexibility, including joint range
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Changes in your postural control
  • A reduction in the risk of mental health concerns
  • Reduced risk of comorbidities such as Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes.


Our exercise clinic is not a gym but a non-intimidating environment that you can feel comfortable in, no matter what stage you are on your health journey. If you aren't comfortable in a group setting, we can also help you get started with a home program if you want to exercise in your own surroundings.

How do you find out if we can help you?

Getting started is easy. Make an appointment to meet with our assessment team and we'll discuss with you all of your goals, options and answer any questions you have.

True North Wellness is a registered NDIS provider in both Exercise Physiology Services and Dietitian Services. Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme, exercise physiology is a Capacity Building Support that can be funded through either 'Improved Health and Wellbeing' or 'Improved Daily Living Skills'.