Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and Dietetics

Getting your nutrition right is so important for overall health. Conflicting information makes it confusing to make the right choices and old habits can be hard to change. Our accredited dietitians break it down into simple steps with personalised plans. They also have the expertise to work through health issues that may need to be taken into account eg. intolerances or allergies, diabetes and weight loss.

Nutrition may help to improve your health or manage health conditions in the following areas:

Gut health

  • IBS
  • Allergies and intolerances
  • Coeliac disease

Women’s Health

  • Menopause
  • Osteoporosis and bone health
  • Preconception nutrition
  • Pregnancy nutrition including Gestational Diabetes
  • Post partum nutrition

Other health conditions

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High cholesterol

General health and wellness

  • Nutrient deficiencies eg iron and calcium
  • Anti inflammatory diet
  • Strategies for improving your diet & reach health goals
  • Sports nutrition advice

Weight loss programs are available that coordinate your nutrition, exercise and health coaching support.

Smart Eating Program - 12 week program

Our Dietitian


Ellen Wynn

Hey! I’m Ellen, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian with a passion for health and wellbeing. I have extensive experience with diabetes and self-management, including certifications in diabetes education. I am passionate about problem solving and finding solutions and like to work with my clients to do this. I am particularly interested and skilled in food chemical intolerances, and I love nothing more than to help people live a healthy comfortable life with food! I understand that reaching out to a dietitian can be daunting, but I would like to ease the pressure by letting you know that I take a person-centred approach, and am known for my friendly, empathetic nature. Feel free to reach out if you would like to start working with me!

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