Category Archives: Lifestyle Changer Program

15 May 2024

When to be concerned about your blood pressure

Hypertension (AKA high blood pressure) is often called the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stoke and kidney damage if left untreated. It can be difficult to know when to be concerned about high blood pressure, so here are some general guidelines you can follow…

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10 Oct 2022

How Does Exercise Change our Brains?

Many incredible things happen in our body when we exercise; our heart, muscles, bones and lungs all get stronger among other positive changes. Some of the most fascinating changes however occur in our brains!  Here are some of the wonderful adaptations that occur in our brains when we exercise:    Memories are made  Exercising has…

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16 Nov 2021

Tweaking Your Routine to Train Your Mental Fitness

As discussed in our previous blogs, there are many definitions for mental fitness, but in a nutshell mental fitness is achieving a state of well-being, and becoming aware of how we think, act and feel in order to build up our resilience to stress.  It’s easy to fall into a pattern of negative thoughts, and when we have…

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True North Wellness
21 Nov 2019

How to pack a Healthy Lunch Box

We spend around 8 hours a day at work, and often eat more than half of our meals and snacks in the workplace. So what you eat at work can really impact your overall nutrition and health! See the tips below for navigating a healthier lunch. Vegetables 90% of Australians don’t get their 5 serves…

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True North Wellness
14 Nov 2019

Why you don’t have to be an ‘Exercise Person’

As an Exercise Physiology, a common phrase I often hear is “I am not a gym/exercise person. I just don’t enjoy it.” I believe this is a perfectly reasonable statement. Gym-type activities are so mainstream and prevalent in our society, and as a result we can often get caught up in thinking they are the…

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True North Wellness
24 Oct 2019

Green Exercise

When I am talking to people about increasing their activity and exercise levels, I encourage them to include some green exercise into their weekly routine. There are so many benefits to regular exercise both physical and mental. But in our world that is full of technology and constant stimulation, incorporating some exercise in a natural…

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True North Wellness
28 Aug 2019

How can I reduce my risk of developing Cancer?

There are a number of risk factors that elevate the likelihood of developing any type of cancer. Some of these we are not able to influence (meaning they are non-modifiable), however many are within our control (meaning they are modifiable). Having one of more risk factors does not mean you will definitely develop cancer; many…

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True North Wellness
10 Jul 2019

Why I don’t like Meal Plans – Part 1

I’ve been a dietitian for nearly 10 years and it’s probably one of my most asked questions; ‘Can you do me a meal plan? I just need something I can follow…’ I don’t like meal plans. It’s not to say that I won’t write them or that they’re not useful, because they can be. It’s…

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