What is a ‘Super Ager’ and what habits help you be one?

We used to believe that our bodies and brains will age over time no matter how we live. But we now know that our biological age can be a lot younger than our chronological age if we adopt certain lifestyle behaviours and attitudes.


A super ager is a term used to describe people who age with the mental and physical fitness decades younger than their chronological or actual age. We used to believe that our bodies and brains will age over time no matter how we live. But we now know that our biological age can be a lot younger than our chronological age if we adopt certain lifestyle behaviours and attitudes.

No one is denying that our genes play a part in how we age, but this is a much smaller percentage that what we once thought. Research suggests that 20-30% of our longevity is based on our genetics, the rest (60-70%) is due to our lifestyle and environmental factors. ​(Giullani & 123:745–772, 2018)​

So what are the habits that a super agers adopts?

The obvious ones include:
– Not smoking
– Limiting alcohol
– Low consumption of ultra processed foods and sugar
– High consumption of plant based foods in their daily diet
– Maintaining a healthy weight range
– Staying physically active

The other habits that you might not be as aware of are:
– Prioritising strength training (not just walking!)
– Staying connected with friends and family (social interaction is vital)
– Having a sense of purpose and passion in their life (belonging to a club, charity or whatever makes you soul sing)
– Continually challenging themselves with new tasks (learning a language or dancing)

Understanding that we play an important role in how we will age, helps us be more proactive and intentional in our choices and behaviours.

Living longer is one thing, but living quality of years is what it is about. Maintaining your independence, playing with your grandchildren and enjoying all the fun activities life offers is what being a super ager is all about.

Need help getting started? Speak to an Accredited Exercise Physiologist that specialises in aging to help you be the best version of yourself no matter what you are managing or where you are starting from.

Vicky Graham (Accredited Exercise Physiologist specialising in Ageing Well)



Giullani, Christina. Garagnani, Paolo, Francheschi, Claudio (2018), Circulation Research. 2018;123:745–772

Martin GM, Bergman A, Barzilai N. Genetic determinants of human health span and life span: progress and new opportunities. PLoS Genet. 2007 Jul;3(7):e125