Category Archives: Heart health

15 May 2024

When to be concerned about your blood pressure

Hypertension (AKA high blood pressure) is often called the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stoke and kidney damage if left untreated. It can be difficult to know when to be concerned about high blood pressure, so here are some general guidelines you can follow…

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20 Jul 2021

Heart Health – How can exercise help my heart?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death worldwide, accounting for almost one third of all deaths – with the majority due to heart attack and stroke. Although this is quite an alarming figure, a positive way to think about CVD is to recognise how much control we actually have in reducing our…

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True North Wellness
30 Oct 2019

Are You Hydrated?

As it starts to heat up in Brisbane, are you getting enough fluid? Optimal hydration is a cornerstone of good health. We need good hydration helps to flush the kidneys, remove the body’s waste products, prevent water retention, and plays a role in heat regulation. Another excellent reason to be hydrated is to help manage…

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True North Wellness
13 May 2019

Sedentary behaviour – What it is and why should we do less of it?

Sedentary behaviour is the time you spend sitting or lying down (apart from sleeping). This can be at work, at home, during travel, and for leisure. The Australian guidelines recommend minimising the time spent being sedentary every day to, and breaking up long periods of sitting for as long as possible. This will reduce the…

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