Category Archives: My Health for Life

15 May 2024

When to be concerned about your blood pressure

Hypertension (AKA high blood pressure) is often called the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stoke and kidney damage if left untreated. It can be difficult to know when to be concerned about high blood pressure, so here are some general guidelines you can follow…

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20 Nov 2023

Alcohol and Health

Everyone is affected by alcohol differently. Additionally, drinking is never completely without risks. For this reason it is good to have an understanding of recommendations around alcohol intake to make an informed choice. This article summarises Australian guidelines around alcohol consumption.

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09 May 2022

Weight Management and Osteoarthritis

Why weight management is important for osteoarthritis  Being overweight or obese is determined by BMI (body mass index), which considers your height and weight. Studies have shown that a high BMI is the single greatest risk factor for knee osteoarthritis; in fact, people who are obese are twice as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis compared…

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Risk assessment
30 May 2018

My Health for Life

If you’ve been watching television lately you may have seen that the Queensland Government has begun rolling out a fantastic initiative called My Health For Life ( The program is a preventative health program designed to provide participants with six sessions of personalised health coaching and support over six months.  To see if you are…

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