Category Archives: Kick Start Program

10 Oct 2022

How Does Exercise Change our Brains?

Many incredible things happen in our body when we exercise; our heart, muscles, bones and lungs all get stronger among other positive changes. Some of the most fascinating changes however occur in our brains!  Here are some of the wonderful adaptations that occur in our brains when we exercise:    Memories are made  Exercising has…

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16 Nov 2021

Tweaking Your Routine to Train Your Mental Fitness

As discussed in our previous blogs, there are many definitions for mental fitness, but in a nutshell mental fitness is achieving a state of well-being, and becoming aware of how we think, act and feel in order to build up our resilience to stress.  It’s easy to fall into a pattern of negative thoughts, and when we have…

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True North Wellness
14 Nov 2019

Why you don’t have to be an ‘Exercise Person’

As an Exercise Physiology, a common phrase I often hear is “I am not a gym/exercise person. I just don’t enjoy it.” I believe this is a perfectly reasonable statement. Gym-type activities are so mainstream and prevalent in our society, and as a result we can often get caught up in thinking they are the…

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True North Wellness
06 Jun 2019

The Gym is not the Problem! It is our Friend!

The 4 keys to reducing unnecessary fatigue and soreness in the gym · Graded intensity · Rest days · Slow and controlled movements · Consistency Graded intensity simply means start out easy and very gradually increase over a period of time. This will either be with the weight that you lift or the intensity of…

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True North Wellness
23 May 2019


Australians are living longer than ever before. By 2056 it’s estimated that one in four Australians will be over 65 years old. Many will still be in the workforce or starting to transition from full-time work to having more leisure time available. Either way, staying active and strong enhances participation in activities for everyday living.…

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08 Nov 2018

The Power of Goals

Often we set ourselves goals throughout our lives whether they be about our career, health or personal relationships. What I have discovered as I navigate this journey of life is that goals can be incredible motivators to keep us on track and focused. Even though this may sound very obvious I am still amazed how…

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19 Jul 2018

On the Outside Listening in..

On the Outside listening in “If you want life to change you have to change. If you want life to get better, you have to get better.” Tony Robbins From where I sit on a daily basis in my role here at TNW I hear a lot. I am not sitting here eaves dropping, it’s general…

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Daily Habits
03 May 2018

The Habit of Habits

Are you aware of your daily habits? Our daily habits make up how our day and week will flow. One of the important aspects to improving our health is identifying which habits are helping our health and which habits are hindering our health. We often overlook the power of these daily habits and if we…

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05 Sep 2017

How to get back into exercise after winter

As we move out of winter into spring many people start to think about getting back into exercise. For those of you that have continued your exercise program over winter give yourself a pat on the back. Because it can be tough to maintain routines when the weather is cold and mornings dark. With spring…

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