
23 May 2023

What about Insulin Resistance?

What does insulin do? Its job it to help your cells get glucose so that you can have energy. This is done all throughout the body. When you eat, the carbohydrates in your digestive system are broken down to glucose to be moved into your bloodstream. Once there, it is…

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09 May 2023

Food and Your Mood

In the same way that exercise can have a positive effect on our mood, eating a healthy diet can do the same. Our brain is a busy organ – it’s on the go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It helps us to breath, move, think, behave and…

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20 Mar 2023

Healthy eating and the cost of living

We’re all feeling the pinch at the moment with the increased cost of living. It’s important though to try and maintain our healthy eating habits. Here are some ideas to help reduce the impact of the cost of living on your weekly grocery bill. These are all age old, tried…

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16 Mar 2023

Nutrition for endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue which lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. This can lead to various symptoms including pain, irregular periods, subfertility, fatigue, mood changes. Below are a few tips on what to eat if you have endometriosis. What to eat: Endometriosis is an inflammatory…

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01 Mar 2023

What is a ‘Super Ager’ and what habits help you be one?

A super ager is a term used to describe people who age with the mental and physical fitness decades younger than their chronological or actual age. We used to believe that our bodies and brains will age over time no matter how we live. But we now know that our…

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22 Feb 2023

Understanding Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool we can access to bring us in to the present moment. The beauty of it is that it is secular and free to all. We need not belong to any certain group, religion or culture. We don’t need any special equipment or to wear any…

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25 Jan 2023

Achieving a sustainable exercise routine – set yourself up for success

A long-term sustainable health and fitness routine is harder to achieve than most initially think. Below are some ideas to help ensure you are doing the best you can to make your exercise journey a success. Self-Efficacy: Self-efficacy refers to the belief that you are capable of successfully completing an…

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19 Dec 2022

Cultivating A Sense of Calm This Christmas

Let’s face it, this can be a crazy time of year! It can be easy to get caught up in the hype that surrounds the silly season; the shopping, the crowds, lights, decorations, parties, family, food, gifts . . . the list goes on and can become quite overwhelming and…

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