Healthy eating and the cost of living

We’re all feeling the pinch at the moment with the increased cost of living. It’s important though to try and maintain our healthy eating habits. Here are some ideas to help reduce the impact of the cost of living on your weekly grocery bill.


We’re all feeling the pinch at the moment with the increased cost of living. It’s important though to try and maintain our healthy eating habits. Here are some ideas to help reduce the impact of the cost of living on your weekly grocery bill.

These are all age old, tried and tested ideas but sometimes we forget the basic rules, especially with our hectic lifestyles.

  • First and foremost, begin by making a weekly meal plan and shopping list. This will help you check the cupboards for items you already have before you head to the supermarket. Also, check the weekly specials to see if you can incorporate items into your recipes.
  • Try to avoid grocery shopping when you’re hungry. You’re guaranteed to buy food you weren’t intending to buy!
  • Once you’re at the supermarket, buy fruits and vegetables that are in season and shop from the five main food groups – vegetables and legumes, fruit, grains, lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and dairy. Remember the freezers for fruits and vegetables; they can be a cost effective option and retain a majority of their nutrients.
  • If you’re tempted with discretionary food, carefully consider portion size and buy only what will satisfy you.
  • Drink water instead of cordial and soft drink.
  • Get creative with your leftovers. Plenty of leftover vegetables are great added to soups and casseroles. And freeze what you don’t use.
  • Only buy what you need.
  • And finally, cook at home

Good luck.


Australian Government. (n.d.) Healthy Eating on a Budget. Retrieved from

Nutrition Australia. 2014. Healthy Eating on a Budget. Retrieved from