Author Archives: Tamika Hassum,

27 Jun 2022

How to Interpret Your Bone Density Scan Results

How to interpret your bone density scan results  So, your GP has had you get a scan to assess your bone density. You might even have a copy of this scan and a brief explanation of what it means, but let’s be honest – sometimes the numbers can be a little confusing. Let’s take this…

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09 May 2022

Weight Management and Osteoarthritis

Why weight management is important for osteoarthritis  Being overweight or obese is determined by BMI (body mass index), which considers your height and weight. Studies have shown that a high BMI is the single greatest risk factor for knee osteoarthritis; in fact, people who are obese are twice as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis compared…

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21 Mar 2022

Myth Busting – Osteoarthritis and Exercise

Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of pain and disability in Australia, and the most common type of arthritis. There can sometimes be misconception around what is best for managing this condition and therefore we have broken down some of the most common myths.    #1 Osteoarthritis is a result of ageing and will inevitably get…

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01 Nov 2021

Exercise Your Mental Fitness

There seems to be increasingly more awareness and understanding around the importance of prioritizing mental health, which is awesome. Despite this, we often find ourselves not giving our ‘mental fitness’ the same time of day as our physical fitness. What if I could convince you that your physical exercise CAN help your mental fitness!?  What does…

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13 Jul 2021

Exercising with Osteoporosis – Not all exercise is the same for bone health

We often think of our bones as quite brittle structures, but they are actually very metabolically active and always respond to the different stimuli that we give them. Bone responds to mechanical loading, and therefore loading bone specifically has the ability to stimulate bone development. This is why not all exercise is equally effective for…

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True North Wellness
14 Nov 2019

Why you don’t have to be an ‘Exercise Person’

As an Exercise Physiology, a common phrase I often hear is “I am not a gym/exercise person. I just don’t enjoy it.” I believe this is a perfectly reasonable statement. Gym-type activities are so mainstream and prevalent in our society, and as a result we can often get caught up in thinking they are the…

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True North Wellness
04 Jul 2019

What Exercise is Best for Osteoporosis?

One of the most effective lifestyle strategies to reduce losses in bone mineral density is physical activity and exercise [3]. Having a direct impact on bone properties means that exercise can not only play a role in prevention, but it can improve quality of life for those with osteoporosis and slow the progression of the…

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23 Oct 2018

The Fly on the Wall

The past few weeks I have had the opportunity to be a ‘fly on the wall’. My role, as an Exercise Physiology student, has so far largely been to observe and take in everything happening in the clinic. What has stood out to me most during this time is the huge impact that something very…

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