Have you put your own Oxygen Mask on first?

This week is women’s health week and the theme is “Women it’s time to put our own health first”.
This resonates with me both as a health professional and a mother and wife running a business. I have many conversations with women about this issue and often I talk about the analogy of putting your oxygen mask on first.
Ladies we are no good to anyone passed out with exhaustion or ill health because we are putting everyone else’s needs first. Time and energy are our biggest barriers for women when it comes to exercise and eating healthy. We are tired, rushed and have a monkey brain that doesn’t encourage clear focused thinking.
This week it’s time to pause and reflect on your own health. Is there one area that you feel ready to make a small change to improve your health?
Start with small steps and put your own health first.
Want to have a chat about where to start? We provide Health Coaching to help you get started and provide support and the expertise to navigate the challenges of life.
Book a Gap Free consultation with us to talk about a health plan to reach your goals. BOOK NOW
Vicky Graham
Accredited Exercise Physiologist/Health Coach