
Chronic pain, as defined by the Australian Pain Management Association, is a pain that persists beyond the normal healing time of 12 weeks [1]. This pain is all to present in everyday life and I am sure that either yourself or someone you know is living with chronic pain. To understand the sheer scope of this condition, statistics show one in five Australians live with chronic pain and as of 2007, and it is costing Australia $34 Billion dollars, or nearly $11, 000 per person with chronic pain. Considering that was 10 years ago you can only imagine what the cost is now.  With chronic pain producing such a financial, physical and emotional toll on Australians, where do we as Exercise Physiologist, play a role?

Read more Chronic Pain

Reference List

  2. 2. Geneen, L. J., Moore, R. A., Clarke, C., Martin, D., Colvin, L. A., Smith, B. H. (2017). Physical Activity and Exercise for Chronic Pain in Adults: An Overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4, 1 – 77.
  3. Saragiotto, B. T., Maher, C. G., Yamato, T. P., Costa, L. O. P., Menezes Costa, L. C., Ostelo, R. G., Macedo, L. G. (2016). Motor Control Exercise for Chronic Non-specific Low-back Pain. Cochrane Database of Sytematic Reviews, 1, 1-117.
  4. Jack, K., Mclean, S. M., Moffett, J. K., Gardiner, E. (2010). Barriers to Treatment Adherence in Physiotherapy Outpatient Clinic: A Systematic Review. Journal of Manual Therapy, 15, 220 – 228.