Category Archives: Chronic Disease

15 May 2024

When to be concerned about your blood pressure

Hypertension (AKA high blood pressure) is often called the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stoke and kidney damage if left untreated. It can be difficult to know when to be concerned about high blood pressure, so here are some general guidelines you can follow…

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26 Sep 2023

Low Carbohydrate Diets and Type 2 Diabetes

If you have diabetes chances are you’ve heard of a low carb diet before. This article will discuss the premise behind this diet and some important considerations before trying it. Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar Level It’s not just sugar that impacts our blood sugar level. Any carbohydrate food, when eaten and digested, is broken down…

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26 May 2023

‘The Right Advice’

This year’s theme for Exercise Right Week is ‘The Right Advice’, where Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) are promoting the importance of ‘seeking individualised and territory-qualified health professionals’ to provide advice upon your exercise and health care. Exercise Right Week runs from the 22nd of May until the 28th of May, and essentially aims to provide Australians with an understanding of the benefits of exercise and ‘where to get the right advice’.

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25 Jul 2022

What’s the best dietary approach for Diabetes management?

Keto, paleo, low carb, low glycaemic index (GI), vegetarian, Mediterranean… if you search for dietary approaches to manage blood sugar levels or diabetes you will probably end up rather confused about the best approach to take.    This is because what will work for one person may not work for someone else. Things that impact…

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27 Jun 2022

How to Interpret Your Bone Density Scan Results

How to interpret your bone density scan results  So, your GP has had you get a scan to assess your bone density. You might even have a copy of this scan and a brief explanation of what it means, but let’s be honest – sometimes the numbers can be a little confusing. Let’s take this…

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09 May 2022

Weight Management and Osteoarthritis

Why weight management is important for osteoarthritis  Being overweight or obese is determined by BMI (body mass index), which considers your height and weight. Studies have shown that a high BMI is the single greatest risk factor for knee osteoarthritis; in fact, people who are obese are twice as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis compared…

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20 Sep 2021

Exercise During Cancer Treatment- Why is it so Important?

Undertaking cancer treatment can be a very overwhelming experience. It can feel like you are going through the motions without a real sense of control. When I mention exercise, that may feel like the very last thing that is on your mind… But let me tell you why it is so important to think about.…

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13 Sep 2021

Prostate Cancer- Management with Exercise

Did you know that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in Australian men with 1 in 6 men being diagnosed by the age of 85? [1]  Prostate cancer is more prevalent in older men as 63% of diagnosed cases are in men over the age of 65 years old [1] Furthermore, it is the third most common cause of cancer death in Australia [1].  So…

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