Category Archives: Group Exercise Training

28 Feb 2019

Don’t BLAME the Weather….

‘Because it is to hot is not an excuse for not doing your exercise’ Sumner time rolls around and everyone is keen to get active with the increase in sunshine and no more cold mornings but very quickly this turns into no exercise because it is to hot! Time management is important in all aspects…

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Mental health
07 Feb 2019

What are the benefits of Exercise for Mental Health?

Movement for the Mind – What are the benefits of Exercise for Mental Health? We know the benefits of exercise for our physical health, but how often do we also consider our mental health? The two are actually quite closely interlinked; for example, diabetes and moderate to severe depression co-exist in between 22-35% of Australians.…

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20 Sep 2018

Do you Plan for your Day?

Plan your day! For far too long I found myself getting overwhelmed with what I was trying to achieve in my day. I was not planning my day; rather I was just going through the motions, hoping for the best and ‘sweeping things under the rug’ when something else came up. Planning does not mean…

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What motivates you to exercise
26 Jul 2018

What Motivates You?

Finding the motivation to exercise can be difficult sometimes, but do not worry you are not alone! Ask yourself the following 3 questions: Why is it that you want to exercise? It is very important to know your WHY. This will help keep you on track and give you some direction as to why you get up…

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Progressive overload
07 Jun 2018

Progressive Overload

When starting strength, aerobic, balance or any other type of training keep in mind the term ‘progressive overload’. The last thing you want is to go 100 miles an hour at a new program and injury yourself. Progressive overload simply implies that over a period of time you will slowly increasing either the intensity, resistance…

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Exercise Right
24 May 2018

Exercise Right Week

Get moving… BUT…. Don’t go crazy… YET Far too often I see people want to make a change in their lives and become more active but are unable to keep it up long term. One big reason is we progress way too quickly and then it becomes too hard so we stop and fall back…

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Falls prevention
19 Apr 2018

Falls Prevention and Exercise

As our population starts to age a major health concern is the increase of falls in older adults. With around 30% of adults over the age of 65 experiencing at least one fall a year. These falls can result in disability, loss of mobility, reduced quality of life, fear of falling and death. These falls…

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Men Health
01 Mar 2018

What is the best type of exercise?

This is a question I get asked alot as an Exercise Physiologist. The answer is not a straight forward. This will depend on what your goals are and of course your age, medical history and previous exercise history. One of the factors I am often educating people on is that different types of exercise will…

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