Probiotics can help to improve overall health and wellbeing, including reducing symptoms of IBS and improving mood.


Probiotics can help to improve overall health and wellbeing, including reducing symptoms of IBS and improving mood. Continue to reading to learn about what probiotics are, and how you can incorporate them into your diet.  

What are Probiotics? 

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in your gut. They assist in digesting foods, and support overall health and wellbeing when eaten regularly and in adequate amounts. There are lots of different types of probiotics, and some do different things, so it can help to know which types do what (more on this below).  

How do we get probiotics? 

In general, there are two different ways to get probiotics into your diet. The first is through fermented foods and drinks like kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and miso. The second is through foods that have been fortified with probiotics, like yoghurts and drinks (e.g. Yakult), or through probiotics that have been formulated into pills or capsules.  

How do we keep probiotics? 

To help your gut bateria to thrive, you need to feed it. We can feed our gut bacteria by eating prebiotic foods. Prebiotic foods are things like fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains. Drinking plenty of water, reducing stress, and getting adequate sleep can also help gut bacteria to remain healthy and happy.  

I tried probiotics but they didn’t work, what do I do now? 

There are many different types of probiotics, called ‘strains’, and each of these different strains has a different effect on gut health. The most researched probiotic strains are BB-12 and LGG. BB-12 has been associated with more regular bowel movements, and LGG has been associated with reduced diarrhoea in adults who are travelling. These two strains are the most commonly added to probiotic capsules and foods such as Vaalia yoghurt, farmers union probiotic yoghurts, and daily juice + probiotic. Sometimes, taking one of these supplements or foods will be enough to reduce negative gut symptoms, but for people with ongoing gut issues or discomfort, personalised probiotic plans that prescribe some of the lesser-known probiotic strains can be beneficial.  

If you are having trouble with constipation, flatulence, bloating, or loose stools, and would like to try probiotics, come see us in clinic for a personalised probiotic plan, or try one of the products mentioned above and see if it helps to reduce your symptoms!  
