Author Archives: Ellen Wynn

15 Jul 2024

Carbs are not bad for you.

Despite current conversations around diet, carbohydrates (AKA carbs) are a very important part of healthy, balanced diets. Including the right types of carbohydrate foods in your diet is the key to maintaining energy levels throughout the day, which can improve your focus and overall health and wellbeing. What are Carbs? Carbohydrates are food molecules that…

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15 Jan 2024

SMART GOALS for 2024

I’m sure many of us have set new and exciting goals for 2024. Often we set these goals with our rose tinted glasses on. We might overestimate our ability to achieve them, or we might not have fully thought out how exactly we will achieve them. Using a SMART approach to goal setting can help us to work out if our goals are actually achievable or not, and to develop an action plan for how we will achieve them.

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