Falls Prevention and Exercise

As our population starts to age a major health concern is the increase of falls in older adults. With around 30% of adults over the age of 65 experiencing at least one fall a year. These falls can result in disability, loss of mobility, reduced quality of life, fear of falling and death. These falls account for 14% of emergency admissions and is the leading cause of injury-related deaths in the over 65 age group [1]. Therefore, it is essential that moving into older age steps are taken to maintain and improve balance to reduce falls risks.
Learn More Falls Prevention and Exercise
Matthew Byrne – Exercise Physiologist
[1] – Tiedemann A, et al. Exercise and Sports Science Australia Position Statement on exercise and falls prevention in older people. J Sci Med Sport (2011)
[2] – Astrid Zech, PhD,* Markus Hübscher, PhD,† Lutz Vogt, PhD,† Winfried Banzer, MD, PhD,† Frank Hänsel, PhD,‡ and Klaus Pfeifer, PhD*Balance Training for Neuromuscular Control and Performance Enhancement: A Systematic Review. J Athl Train. 2010 Jul-Aug; 45(4): 392–403.
[3] – Chiung-ju LiuEmail authorDeepika M. ShiroyLeah Y. JonesDaniel O. Clark. (2014). Systematic review of functional training on muscle strength, physical functioning, and activities of daily living in older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 95–106