Author Archives: TNW admin

31 Oct 2023

Being unfit or having excess fat- which one is worse?

In todays health and wellness landscape, a prevalent concept being discussed is known as the “obesity paradox.” What does this term entail, you might wonder? The obesity paradox questions the conventional belief that a higher BMI automatically leads to an elevated risk of chronic diseases and, ultimately, mortality. This conventional wisdom has been widely embraced for a considerable period.

Our 4th year Clinical Exercise Physiology student, Sarah Pike, discusses this concept.

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17 Jul 2023

Does exercise help lymphoedema?

Lymphoedema is swelling when the lymphatic system is overwhelmed or compromised. The lymphatic system is a one-way circulatory system, that collects the excess fluid and metabolic wastes from the body to filter and return to the heart. The lymphatic system is slow and only beats about 6 times per minute and exercise can increase the…

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31 May 2022

Will Weight Training Make Me ‘Bulky’?

Most women have undoubtedly been told at one point in their life ‘don’t lift weights, they’ll make you bulky!’ In actual fact, we should all be participating in at least 2 strength training sessions per week, and we can do it without the fear of becoming ‘too bulky!’ Weight training will likely lead to some…

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16 Nov 2021

Tweaking Your Routine to Train Your Mental Fitness

As discussed in our previous blogs, there are many definitions for mental fitness, but in a nutshell mental fitness is achieving a state of well-being, and becoming aware of how we think, act and feel in order to build up our resilience to stress.  It’s easy to fall into a pattern of negative thoughts, and when we have…

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Wk of Aug 1 Blog cover pic
09 Aug 2021

Exercise and Osteoarthritis

Did you know that 1 in 11 Australians have Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the break down of cartilage covering the ends of bone in our joints, most commonly the hands, hips and knees. It can cause pain, stiffness and swelling, and can often interfere with our every day life. So, how can we prevent osteoarthritis? Some…

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Wk of July 25 blog pic
27 Jul 2021

Gestational Diabetes- Our diet and blood glucose control

A new diagnosis of gestational diabetes can be overwhelming, but in many cases a few dietary tweaks can help improve blood glucose control and prevent complications down the track. Here’s 4 tips for managing your gestational diet:   1. A gestational diabetes diet is really just a healthy eating diet. It can be helpful to…

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True North Wellness
07 Nov 2019

Touch – Not just a Sentimental Human Indulgence

Once a week I visit a local retirement village where the average age is 68 years young. My day begins treating stress, headaches and migraine, back pains, leg aches and the moans and groans of hips that don’t quite move like they used to. It ends with a spring in the step of everyone who…

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True North Wellness
30 May 2019

Remedial Massage therapy during the cool Winter Months

With the winter days creeping in, now is the perfect time to enjoy the many benefits of a warming winter massage and not just because it feels good. Remedial Massage therapy during the cool winter months will help keep you feeling well and nurtured giving your immune system a timely boost, reliving aches and pains,…

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Diaphragmatic breathing
14 Mar 2019

Diaphragmatic breathing – A Massage from the Inside

You may have heard of the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing referred to in the clinic from time to time. This is breathing at its best and incredibly helpful tool for you to ensure you get the most out of your remedial massage treatment among other things. Learning diaphragmatic breathing is achieved by breathing slow, steady…

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