Category Archives: Wellness

20 Sep 2021

Exercise During Cancer Treatment- Why is it so Important?

Undertaking cancer treatment can be a very overwhelming experience. It can feel like you are going through the motions without a real sense of control. When I mention exercise, that may feel like the very last thing that is on your mind… But let me tell you why it is so important to think about.…

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09 Sep 2021

Women’s Health Week – Exercise

Let’s face it, our health has never been more important. Exercise is certainly an important component of this, and plays a role in managing a lot of women’s health domains.  Exercise helps to manage  Breast cancer  Polycystic ovarian syndrome  Endometriosis  Pregnancy and postpartum (including post-natal depression)  Gestational diabetes  Prolapse and hysterectomy  Menopause  Weight  Strength and preventing falls  Interestingly,…

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Wk of Aug 30
30 Aug 2021

Mindfulness & building your daily practice

You may have heard about mindfulness, or perhaps even tried it. You may have even decided it’s not for you. Let’s talk about how mindfulness can be tailored to you and applied in a way that suits your lifestyle and personality. Mindfulness is a proven strategy to: Reduce stress, anxiety and depression Increase feelings of…

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23 Aug 2021

Motivation vs Discipline

What’s the difference between motivation and discipline? And how can we become disciplined when motivation runs out? We can all agree that motivation is great when it’s there but what do we do once it goes? I find it helps to figure out what obstacles have previously demotivated us and reflect on some ways to…

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12 Aug 2021

PAIN, PAIN, GO AWAY: How can psychology help with chronic pain?

Pain is a Safety Mechanism Pain is a natural human experience. It changes the way we move, think and behave, so that we are aware of dangers to our physical wellbeing. Then we can take care of our bodies and do what is necessary to heal. What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is pain that…

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09 Aug 2021

Exercise and Osteoarthritis

Did you know that 1 in 11 Australians have Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the break down of cartilage covering the ends of bone in our joints, most commonly the hands, hips and knees. It can cause pain, stiffness and swelling, and can often interfere with our every day life. So, how can we prevent osteoarthritis? Some…

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13 Jul 2021

Exercising with Osteoporosis – Not all exercise is the same for bone health

We often think of our bones as quite brittle structures, but they are actually very metabolically active and always respond to the different stimuli that we give them. Bone responds to mechanical loading, and therefore loading bone specifically has the ability to stimulate bone development. This is why not all exercise is equally effective for…

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22 Apr 2020


MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT My insightful, older friend gave me some wise advice, “Don’t get stuck on the old stuff”, stuff from the past, old regrets, old arguments, old disappointments. Many of us take our time on this beautiful planet for granted. In reality, the clock is ticking. Don’t worry excessively about the future, tomorrow…

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22 Apr 2020


From its ancient philosophical interpretation to the modern Mindfulness interpretation, what does “seize the day” mean to you? I was truly blessed to have had a conversation with an elderly friend about how he copes with his illness. He has a terminal illness and expects significant cognitive decline over the next few months and years…

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