Category Archives: Wellness

09 Aug 2022

I have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)… Why should I think about exercise?

In a nutshell – what is PCOS? PCOS is one of the most common endocrine conditions, affecting about 8-13% of reproductive aged women with up to 70% of affected women remaining undiagnosed. PCOS is a significant public health issue with reproductive, metabolic and psychological features. Some features that females with PCOS present with can be psychological,…

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02 Aug 2022

Tips ‘n Trick for Holiday Eating

After the last two years, isn’t it great to be able to plan and enjoy a holiday again. But how do we enjoy that much anticipated holiday without coming back with too much excess baggage around our mid section? Here are a few simple ideas to take away with you on your next holiday… Stay…

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25 Jul 2022

What’s the best dietary approach for Diabetes management?

Keto, paleo, low carb, low glycaemic index (GI), vegetarian, Mediterranean… if you search for dietary approaches to manage blood sugar levels or diabetes you will probably end up rather confused about the best approach to take.    This is because what will work for one person may not work for someone else. Things that impact…

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27 Jun 2022

How to Interpret Your Bone Density Scan Results

How to interpret your bone density scan results  So, your GP has had you get a scan to assess your bone density. You might even have a copy of this scan and a brief explanation of what it means, but let’s be honest – sometimes the numbers can be a little confusing. Let’s take this…

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20 Jun 2022

The Mediterranean Diet Explained

Countries such as Greece, Italy, Southern France and Spain (all bordering the Mediterranean Sea) are touted as the countries where the lifestyle first originated. Consuming healthy whole foods and avoiding processed foods is the basis of the lifestyle which is associated with benefits such as promoting heart health, regulating blood sugar levels, reducing type 2…

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14 Jun 2022

Your Best Posture is Your Next Posture!

The old saying to “stand up tall and pull your shoulder up, back then down” is greatly out-dated. Our shoulder blades are designed to mobile, like all of our joints. Spending a long time in any one-posture can be demanding on the body and lead to mobility restrictions, muscle weaknesses, imbalances and joint pain.  It…

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31 May 2022

Will Weight Training Make Me ‘Bulky’?

Most women have undoubtedly been told at one point in their life ‘don’t lift weights, they’ll make you bulky!’ In actual fact, we should all be participating in at least 2 strength training sessions per week, and we can do it without the fear of becoming ‘too bulky!’ Weight training will likely lead to some…

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24 May 2022

Are You Exercising for the Right Reasons?

This is the theme of this year’s Exercise Right Week (May 23rd -29th) promoted by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA), where we celebrate and raise awareness of the marvellous benefits of exercise for our overall health and well-being. With there being plentiful evidence-based research surrounding the benefits of exercise and how it can influence…

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03 May 2022

What’s all the fuss about Kombucha?

Kombucha (kawm-boo-chah) Have you noticed kombucha drinks in the cold section of your local supermarket or on the shelf, and wondered what they are? Is it just another type of soft  drink? Is it fizzy or flat? Sweet or sour? Good for you or bad? Kombucha is a green tea that is fermented with sugar…

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