Category Archives: Chronic Disease

13 Sep 2021

Prostate Cancer- Management with Exercise

Did you know that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in Australian men with 1 in 6 men being diagnosed by the age of 85? [1]  Prostate cancer is more prevalent in older men as 63% of diagnosed cases are in men over the age of 65 years old [1] Furthermore, it is the third most common cause of cancer death in Australia [1].  So…

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Wk of July 25 blog pic
27 Jul 2021

Gestational Diabetes- Our diet and blood glucose control

A new diagnosis of gestational diabetes can be overwhelming, but in many cases a few dietary tweaks can help improve blood glucose control and prevent complications down the track. Here’s 4 tips for managing your gestational diet:   1. A gestational diabetes diet is really just a healthy eating diet. It can be helpful to…

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Blog Pic Template
13 Jul 2021

Exercising with Osteoporosis – Not all exercise is the same for bone health

We often think of our bones as quite brittle structures, but they are actually very metabolically active and always respond to the different stimuli that we give them. Bone responds to mechanical loading, and therefore loading bone specifically has the ability to stimulate bone development. This is why not all exercise is equally effective for…

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True North Wellness
28 Aug 2019

How can I reduce my risk of developing Cancer?

There are a number of risk factors that elevate the likelihood of developing any type of cancer. Some of these we are not able to influence (meaning they are non-modifiable), however many are within our control (meaning they are modifiable). Having one of more risk factors does not mean you will definitely develop cancer; many…

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True North Wellness
04 Jul 2019

What Exercise is Best for Osteoporosis?

One of the most effective lifestyle strategies to reduce losses in bone mineral density is physical activity and exercise [3]. Having a direct impact on bone properties means that exercise can not only play a role in prevention, but it can improve quality of life for those with osteoporosis and slow the progression of the…

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08 Mar 2018

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain, as defined by the Australian Pain Management Association, is a pain that persists beyond the normal healing time of 12 weeks [1]. This pain is all to present in everyday life and I am sure that either yourself or someone you know is living with chronic pain. To understand the sheer scope of…

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