How well do you know your 5 main food groups?

Variety is the spice of life
The Australian Government recommends we eat a variety of nutritious foods from the five main food groups every day. By doing this we’re fueling our body with the variety of nutrients essential for optimum health and vitality. The foods are grouped because they share similar key nutrients and vitamins. Can you remember the five main food groups, how many foods it’s recommended we eat, and (often the most confusing aspect) serving sizes?
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Five main food groups:
Vegetables and legumes– at least 5 serves of vegetables per day
Fruit – 2 serves of fruit per day
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or their alternatives ( mostly reduced fat ) – adults should eat 2-3 serves per day, although this does vary depending on our stage of life. For instance, women over 50 should eat 4 serves per day.
Lean Meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans -it is recommended, depending on your life stage, between 1-3 serves per day.
Grain ( cereal ) foods, mostly wholegrain and / or high cereal fibre varieties – 4-6 serves, with at least two thirds of the serves being wholegrain.
For more information on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Nadine Meggitt
Clinical Nutritionist
Australian Government Department of Health (2015). The Five Food Groups. Retrieved from