Chronic disease

Whether you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or want to prevent future problems our lifestyle modification programs can help you improve your quality of life. Our experienced health professionals can support you to identify areas in your life that you want to improve and develop achievable steps to accomplish your health goals. All too often we know what we should be doing: eating a healthy diet and exercising more. But habits can be hard to break. With expert advice and the right support our health team are trained and experienced in helping you change these behaviours. We work with you to help you to manage your condition and achieve the best possible quality of life.


Cardiovascular disease

  • Managing risk factors
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: stents, open heart surgery, valve repairs, myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Heart failure

Chronic respiratory conditions

  • COPD
  • Emphesema
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • During/after cancer treatment



  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • Gestational diabetes

Chronic kidney disease

Osteo and rheumatoid arthritis

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Invisible illnesses

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Long-COVID

Do you have diabetes?

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes our health team can help you manage your diabetes through nutrition, exercise and education. This may be seeing one or more of our health practitioners.

  • Accredited Practising Dietitian - provides education and guidance on improving your diet to help manage your diabetes.
  • Accredited Exercise Physiologist - provides education and practical advice on increasing your activity levels and exercise. Your GP may have recommended you see one of these practitioners or you might be seeking out further support by yourself.

These consultations are one on one and our health professionals can tailor a plan to suit you.

We also have a Group Diabetes Program "Living Well with Diabetes" that your GP might refer you to. This may be focused on exercise or nutrition depending on where you feel you need most support. The program includes an individual assessment with either our Exercise Physiologist or Dietitian where they will determine the best format for you and eight group sessions. This program is bulk billed through medicare when your GP has set up the referral.


Carbs are not bad for you.

Despite current conversations around diet, carbohydrates (AKA carbs) are a very important part of healthy, balanced diets. Including the right types of carbohydrate foods in your diet is the key to maintaining energy levels throughout the day, which can improve your focus and overall health and wellbeing.

When to be concerned about your blood pressure

Hypertension (AKA high blood pressure) is often called the "silent killer" because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stoke and kidney damage if left untreated. It can be difficult to know when to be concerned about high blood pressure, so here are some general guidelines you can follow...

Low Carbohydrate Diets and Type 2 Diabetes

If you have diabetes chances are you’ve heard of a low carb diet before. This article will discuss the premise behind this diet and some important considerations before trying it. Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar Level It’s not just sugar that impacts our blood sugar level. Any carbohydrate food, when eaten and digested, is broken down…