Weight Management

Managing your weight can be challenging and emotional with all the conflicting information and advice that we hear. Everyone is an expert with the latest diet, pill or exercise program that will make you lose your unwanted kilos. There is no magic pill and if it sounds too good to be true it is. Long term weight management is about making small changes to our lifestyle with both diet and exercise.

Our health team can support and educate you on proven weight management strategies that will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Having a coordinated health team is the key to providing the individual care you need.

Sustainable lifestyle changes are the proven best way to manage weight in the long term. We aren't about fad dieting or eight-week challenges because the evidence shows that these don't last in the long term. The best results happen when we make small tweaks to your lifestyle and focus on building good habits so that in the long term you are able to sustain these (even when life threatens to get in the way).

Not sure where to start?

We offer a Gap Free* Assessment which allows us to gain a good understanding of your health status and history, what your goals are, and develop a plan on how we can get you there.

*No out of pocket cost for those with private health covering Exercise Physiology

Our environment

At True North Wellness, we have a private exercise environment that allows for just about any exercise you might do in a gym, but with a different feel. This allows for a safe and welcoming experience for people who are not feeling confident or have previously had experiences with being intimidated in an exercise space. We can also set up home programs for those who would prefer to do most of their exercise in the comfort of their home. We also have plenty of consultation rooms for those more private chats with your health care team.

Sustainable lifestyle changes are the proven best way to manage weight in the long term. We aren't about fad dieting or eight-week challenges because the evidence shows that these don't last in the long term. The best results happen when we make small tweaks to your lifestyle and focus on building good habits so that in the long term you are able to sustain these (even when life threatens to get in the way).

Not sure where to start?

We offer a Gap Free* Assessment which allows us to gain a good understanding of your health status and history, what your goals are, and develop a plan on how we can get you there.

*No out of pocket cost for those with private health covering Exercise Physiology

Are you looking for a more specific program to help with weight loss?

We offer a range of program to help you achieve your weight loss goals. You can choose your level of support and structure!


12 week healthy lifestyle program combining support from our Dietitian and Exercise Physiologists to help you make sustainable healthy lifestyle changes.


A 6-week program designed to explore health behaviour and habits, and help you identify key skills and strategies to be truly successful with long-term weight loss.


Designed and coordinated by our Accredited Dietitian providing individualised eating plans, healthy eating tips and advice and most importantly support to keep you on track.


Getting back into exercise can be challenging. Our Accredited Exercise Physiologist have the experience and expertise to help you set realistic goals based on your current situation. They will provide the support and progress your program slowly as you improve.


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