Tag Archives: Reduce stress

08 Mar 2024

Long term chronic stress and the effect on our allostatic load

Allostatic load is a term we are going to hear a lot more about in the future. It is used in the field of psychology and medicine to describe the cumulative wear and tear on the body as a result of chronic stress. It refers to the physiological consequences of chronic exposure to stressors, which can lead to a range of negative health outcomes. The concept of allostatic load highlights the interconnectedness of the mind and body, emphasizing the impact of psychological stress on physical health.

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Reflection - Pause
21 Mar 2019

Just Pause. When did our lives get so busy?

Every time we speak to people the first thing, we say is how busy we feel. Have our lives become so much more complex and fuller that we don’t have time to recharge? When we are permanently on “Groundhog Day” and we don’t have moments in our day or week to pause and reflect our…

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