In today’s fast-paced and constantly connected world, finding moments of stillness can be a challenge. However, creating space for silence is not only beneficial for our mental and emotional well-being, it also allows us to cultivate mindfulness and deepen our meditation practice. Whether it’s through creating a physical space in our home or incorporating moments of stillness into our daily routines, finding silence can have a profound impact on our overall sense of calm and clarity.



Creating your own space for stillness is essential for creating a regular routine for practice and maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. It allows you to find calm amidst the chaos and allows you to recharge and reflect. To create your own space for stillness, there are a few steps you can follow. First, find a physical location where you can retreat for your dedicated practice or whenever you need a moment of peace. This could be a dedicated room in your home or an area of a room, a favourite spot in your garden or a quiet corner of a local park.
To create a peaceful ambience, you may like to include elements that evoke a sense of serenity for you, here are a few suggestions you may like to consider; plants, artwork or a small water feature; using soft lighting such as a lamp or tea-lite candle; infusing a calming scent using aromatherapy or incense.
Always ensure you have comfortable seating and feel well-supported in your posture. Perhaps sitting in a favourite chair, cushion or dedicated meditation mat on the ground. Experiment with different things until you find what works best for you.


Once you have set up your physical space, it is important to establish a regular practice of stillness within it. Your practice could be meditation, breathwork, yoga, journaling or simply sitting in silence. Finding a practice that allows you to quiet your mind and be present in the moment. If this concept is new for you simply start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more familiar with it. You could try different practices each day for a while to find your thing. It takes 21 days to form a new habit and it can be very helpful to solidify this by practicing at the same time every day.


Commit to prioritising this time for yourself every day and make it part of your daily routine.
Allow family members or housemates to know that this is YOUR time and request to be left alone. Turn your phone off or leave it in another room so as not to be tempted by it. Perhaps write a to-do list of the things you know you have to do after your practice, this will allow space in your mind and not be constantly thinking of them while you are in stillness.
Setting boundaries ensures you are committed to your practice and allows the people around you know that this is important to you.


The science shows us that having a regular mindfulness practice offers us many benefits. Some of these include; regulation of the nervous system, reduced stress, improved sleep, lowered heart rate, better focus and a greater sense of well-being. When you have an established daily practice you may also find that you have more ‘mindful moments’ through the course of your day. Or can take a moment of stillness when you need it most in times of stress or high pressure.

It is common and ‘normal’ to have a busy mind as our brains are designed to think so don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult. The more you practice the easier it will become and the more moments of silence you will have.

Mindfulness Meditation classes are offered every Tuesday evening at True North Wellness or if you would prefer an individual session, please be in touch.

Rachel Therese
Accredited Meditation Teacher