GLA:D® Exercise Program

Osteoarthritis Exercise Program

GLA:D®, from ‘Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark’, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. It was then brought to Australia in 2016 to help Australians with hip or knee osteoarthritis.

What Does GLA:D® involve?

This education and exercise program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research. It also includes feedback from people with OA and trainers on what works in the real world to help patients manage OA symptoms.

GLA:D® Australia is run in private, public, and hospital clinics. The cost of the program can vary depending on the location. Please discuss this with your clinician. You do not need a referral from your doctor.

Eligible participants may be able to use Medicare funding to cover costs of assessments and some people may be eligible to access publicly-funded services.  Private health claims should be discussed with your insurer.



  • An initial assessment to determine your functional strength and mobility
  • 12 x supervised group exercise sessions: 60 mins duration, held on Monday and Thursday mornings at 9.00am
  • 2 x group education sessions which teach about self management strategies, risk factors and self management strategies.
  • A follow up assessment: 3 months after initial assessment.

The program is individualised to cater to your current level of strength and mobility.

No prior exercise experience is necessary. Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists are trained to assess and prescribe the level of exercise that suits your needs.



$ 199*

(Valued at $235)

*Private Health & Medicate Rebates may apply



$ 595*

*Private Health & Medicate Rebates may apply


Osteoarthritis Treatment in Australia

Osteoarthritis is the most common lifestyle disease in individuals 65 year of age and older, but can also affect individuals as young as 30 years of age.

In Australia, treatment usually focuses on medications and surgery. The GLA:D® Australia program offers a safe alternative that may reduce your need for medications, avoid the need for surgery, and improve your ability to participate more actively in work and recreational activities.

Research and The GLA:D® Program

Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia (GLA:D® Australia Annual Report) found:

  • Hip - 27% average reduction in pain 20% improved quality of life 45% reduced usage of pain medication
  • Knee - 33% average reduction in pain 29% improved quality of life 49% reduced usage of pain medication
  • It was also found that less people desired surgery after completing the program.

Program Starts

August 2023

Don't Miss out!  Limited Places


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