Exercising for Woman in Midlife and Menopause

Let’s face it girls, our bodies are not the same in our midlife and after menopause as they were in our 20’s. So why would we expect to do the same exercise as we did then.
Exercise is one of the most positive strategies you can use to help you stay healthy and strong as you get older. But the key is to exercise smart and adapt your exercises to each stage of your life.
The type of exercise you did when you were younger is often not appropriate in your midlife and after menopause because of changing body composition, hormonal levels and musculoskeletal conditions.
Goals also change during your life. What your body looked like might have been your major focus when you were younger. This is often replaced by what your body can do and and how it feels as we mature.
Most importantly, do what you feel comfortable with and what you enjoy.
If you haven’t exercised for a while and want to become more active, get support from a qualified exercise physiologist that specialised in women in midlife.
Vicky Graham
MAW. (Middle Aged Woman)
Accredited Exercise Physiologist
True North Wellness