8 Week Kickstart Program

Kickstart Program

Getting back into exercise can be challenging, especially if you have had an injury or have health issues you are managing. Our Accredited Exercise Physiologist have the experience and expertise to help you set realistic goals based on your current situation. They will provide the support and progress your program slowly as you improve.

Our 8 week Kickstart Program is an ideal way to get back into exercise safely with the support of our Accredited Exercise Physiologist. You can choose how much support you need with the different levels of this program.


  • Complete Health Assessment, goal setting and Action Plan
  • Weekly One to One training with our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (you choose how long and how often)
  • Unlimited group classes
    • (Pilates, Functional Fitness, StrongFIT, Hydrotherapy & Mindfulness Meditation)*
  • Home exercise program
  • Exercise Equipment to supplement your training**
    • (foam roller, resistance bands, trigger ball and stretching strap)

* Included in Gold level package      ** Included in Gold & Silver level packages


$ 199*

(Valued at $235)

*Private Health & Medicate Rebates may apply


Program Levels

Choose the level of support that is right for you
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
  • Adjust the level of sessions and classes depending on what works for you.

Want to see if this is for you?

Book a FREE 15 minute chat (face to face or Telehealth) to discuss how we can get you started


Type Details Program Outline Cost
Gold Level 8 week Exercise Program 2 x (45mins) exercise training sessions per week
Unlimited group classes
Home exercise program & products (Valued over $100:foam roller, resistance band, trigger ball, stretching strap)
Silver Level 8 week Exercise Program 2 x (30mins) exercise training sessions per week
Home exercise program & products (Valued over $100:foam roller, resistance band, trigger ball, stretching strap)
Bronze Level 8 week Exercise Program 1 x (30mins) exercise training sessions per week
Home exercise program
Medicare and Private Health rebates may apply